What is Training and Development Process
Training and development process is an organized activity for enhancing the knowledge of the employees and transferring technical and management skills to the employees.
Now a days in technology based environment, things are changing very fast. In order to retain its position, an organization has to modify and act very fast according to the changes in the business environment. Hence, for achieving superiority, an organization should have skilled and well trained employees. And it is performed by training and development process.
Through training process the employees are taught specific skills according to the requirements of their respective jobs. And through development process the personalities and management skills of the employees are improved.
Steps in Training and Development Process
Assessment of Organizational Objectives;
First of all, in an organization, there should be a proper assessment of objectives. Nowadays the organizations should adopt new technological changes in the business environment, improve product quality through skilled personnel, enhance service quality and increase productivity to perform better and to stay competitive in the business.
Determining Training Needs;
Before an organization takes decision regarding training & development of its employees and allocate huge resources for it, organizations have to assess the training needs of its employees.
We sit down with the management and help them in identifying strategic goals & objectives, and skills & knowledge needed to achieve these goals and objectives. Then we work together to identify whether our staffs have the required knowledge and skills, if they don’t then training needs are discussed.
Saying of a Trainer…….
Training need investigation step is important due to many reasons. For example, employees performance may be down because the working standards are not clear to them.
And some reason may be faulty selection, lack of motivation, poor job design, less supervision and personal problems. In these cases, the problems may be solved by proper job design, offering incentives to motivate, improving supervision, etc.
If the deficiency in performance is because of lack of knowledge and skills, then training and development of employees is essential in this condition.

Two main ways which are basically used to identify the training needs are performance analysis and task analysis.
Task analysis is a process to identify the specific skills required by analyzing and studying the job in detail. Task analysis is suitable for determining the needs of the employees who are newly selected and new to their work.
And performance analysis is the method of investigating the performance scarcity and then determining the ways to correct this scarcity whether it should be fine through training or some other method like transferring the employee etc.
Apart from these methods, supplementary methods can be used to identify training needs such as supervisor’s reports, personnel records, management requests, observations, test of job knowledge and questionnaire surveys.
Setting Goals and Objectives of Training;
Once it is analyzed that training is the solution of the performance deficiency, then the objectives are set. In other words, once training needs are assessed, then the objectives of the training are established.
These objectives will specify what a trainee should accomplish after the successful completion of a training program.
Preparing the Training Budget;
Preparation of the training budget is specifically concerned with the allocation of funds to be provided for the training for carrying out the training activities as devised in the plan.
Deciding about the training venue;
The decision about the training venue depends invariably on the type of training given. For in company and on the job training, will be in the plant itself.
In case of the job training through external sources, the venue has to be somewhat away from the trainees working environment. The venue of the training will be some where outside the agency.
Fix up the methods and techniques to be used in the training;
There are various types of on the job and off the job training methods which can be used in the training program. The method of training would be chosen according to the specific objectives of the training program.
Evaluation of training program;
When the training program is completed, then the evaluation of program is done by the organization in order to see the effectiveness of training efforts. This is done to check whether the training program accomplish specific training objectives or not.
The conduct of training program is costly; this includes needs assessment costs, salaries of the training department staffs, purchase of equipment (computers, video and handouts), program development costs, evaluation costs, trainer’s costs, rental facilities and trainees wage during the training period.
Thus, it is important to assess the costs and benefits associated with the training program, in order to convince the top management that the benefits outplay costs.
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Training and Development Methods
As we know that training and development programs are very essential for any firm or organization in order to develop their employees. For achieving the success and to grow to a greater height, the organization should have employees with updated skills and knowledge.
As due to rapid up gradation of technology and change in working methods day by day, the training and development process is continuously required by an organization to enhance and improve the skills and knowledge of employees.